Monday, December 28, 2015

Thank goodness it's over! Seems like no matter how many years go by, Christmas is the hardest.
Day after you get to see all your friends (and pseudo-friends') posts on how wonderful their holiday was.

Mine was fun, at the last minute I emailed my kids and told them I was coming. 250 miles, gas is cheap, weather good, I'm there.  We had fun. 2 of my 3 were there, ordered Chinese and had some great conversation. Not your traditional holiday, but fun. I've learned you have to change your mindset from the traditional Norman Rockwell image to what is real and right now. If you can do that you can enjoy it for all the fun, crazy, loving moment it truly is. It was fun. I enjoyed hearing the traffic outside and on Christmas morning, walked across the street to McDonalds and brought home Christmas breakfast. Like I said, you have to be flexible and embrace the "new normal". Egg McMuffins never tasted so good.

I'm going back for a New Years Eve party in a few days and will see my 3rd son. I hope the weather cooperates. We had our first winter storm today. Right now it's blowing like crazy. I've heard a few things hitting the house, hope it's not anything bad. Will check it out in the morning. Hat a harrowing one hour drive home today. Usually only need about a half hour to get home, but snow was blowing bad. Couldn't see the road. A few times had to stop till the wind blew the snow enough to see the center lines. Very, very, very scary! Immediately cracked open a bottle of wine to ease the nerves.
Note: Always keep your liquor cabinet stocked for emergency

New Years will be spent with friends (all couples) so when the clock strikes midnight and everyone is kissing happy new year, I will be standing there accepting a few token hugs and kisses but, sadly, reminded that by society's standards, alone.  I'm okay with it, but it stings a little just the same.

Snow storm blowing like crazy outside. It would be nice to have someone near by reassuring me. Must be the holiday that is making me so sad. A few more weeks it will be Valentine's Day.  AAAUUUGGRH!!! Even Worse!. Can't wait for March. 

1 comment:

  1. By happenstance I found your blog as I contemplate the same journey you are on. This is my 2nd marriage so I travel with trepidation on this impending journey. Your blog is food for thought. My husband is a good provider but there are control issues - no one has a perfect life.
