Monday, January 7, 2013

Should be taking down Xmas decorations.  But feeling a little under the weather and since flu season is starting and I'm sans insurance decided to spend the day just lolling around watching tv, eating and knitting. Haven't done that in ages!   Not a bad way to spend a cold winter day.

So yesterday at work a really cute guy came in and  I felt a little chemistry going on there.  I looked down at his wedding ring and then up at his face and he had seen me look at his ring and he immediately put his hand in his pocket.  What do you suppose that means?   hmmmmm.   I'd never go out with a married man after what I went through, but very interesting behavior don't you think?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Today my 2013 horoscope says that I'll find a great love in the new year.  It also says to release those who are not available emotionally.  That will be easy. The losers I'm finding on line are quite easy to "release"  Prior to seeing the horoscope, my new years resolution was to do just that and start with a clean slate.  With the exception of just one who I really like though I know he and I will never be anything more than wonderful friends, I really do cherish his and my friendship (hopefully with a few benefits thrown in)

One problem with living in this lovely area populated primarily with tourists and retirees, is that the dating pool is more of a small puddle. I'm always up for a party and find it fun to drive the 4 hours to the Chicago area whenever someone has a party  invitation.

I've developed a nice group of women friends up here so that is a positive thing.  Also, another resolution is to feel more at ease going to plays, bars, restaurants, etc. alone.  Rather than miss some fun event or interesting talent, I need to feel at ease going alone.  It usually feels like everyone in a bar is looking at me when I walk in.  I know they're not but it's difficult just the same.  Maybe growing up in the 60's is part of the problem.  Back then "ladies" didn't do such a thing.  I know girls my son's ages have no problem going anywhere alone.