Monday, May 7, 2018

Where the fuck does the time go? Almost a year since my last post. We just thawed out from the snow of the century in April. 24inches!!! Thankfully I was visiting friends in Chicago and missed the fun of a 2-day power outage and a 6 foot high drift in my drive that the plows couldn't get to because the road had 10 foot drifts. If I had been up here I would have been trapped and freezing all alone. ...Which brings me to the realization that I have to act. I'm looking for an apartment in Chicago and am either going to sell this lovely little dream house or put it on Air B&B, whichever comes first.

Dating life is still at a standstill. Friend at my office tried to fix me up.Guy looked normal enough but turns out he's a professional clown!  My life's a mess enough, I don't need more crazy. haha. Men ask me out a lot but I just don't have the energy any more.  Really don't feel like going through all the introductions, looking a grand kids pics, etc. Turning into a wacky old lady...👩

Really looking forward to moving, but really sad about having to quit a great job, miss my woods and beach.  If I can make a go of the Air B&B thing I'll be happy. Just can't take all the solitude any more. Plus I don't want to celebrate my 70th birthday alone, and I'm starting to feel the age thing creeping up. I lose my balance frequently, often leave a burner on or water running and forget about them, have developed Afib so have that to worry about. If anything happens I don't want to wait for the ambulance to come 15 miles out to me and then drive 15 miles to the hospital, with my kids 300 miles way.

My ex and his whore wife moved out to Colorado so I'm free to move  back. The years have made me realize just how much of an abused wife I was. Not only did he knock me around occasionally, he was mentally cruel in many ways. I'm still so angry how he's abandoned his sons, glad he's across the country. He moved to some little town in the middle of nowhere.2 friends of mine were on vacation out west, wearing a sweatshirt from here, and ran into a man who recognized the place on the shirt, they got to talking and , you guessed it, it was him! Damn tho, they didn't mention me, that would have been too fun. They have a second home out there so maybe they'll see him again.I realize I don't know that I would recognize him if I saw him again.Not that I ever will unless one of my boys gets married and invites him which looks slim in both ways.32 years erased.