Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rolling Along

Well, it has been a little over a month since I started my new adventure.  I've had some friends visiting for the past few days.  What fun to have old friends around.  They brought their dog.  Between their dog and my dog and 2 cats it was pretty wild, but in a good way.  Reminded me of when the house was full of little kids.  All going in different directions, sometimes playing nice, sometimes not, but always fun.

Job is rolling along also.  I just have to learn not to buy clothes.  I really, really love clothes.  Still nothing in the dating area.  I would really like to meet someone and just go out to dinner or a drive.  Nothing serious, I just don't feel like getting into a serious relationship again....too stressful.  I'm going back to Chicago for a few days next week.  If I can figure out what to do with the animals, can't afford to board the dog since it will take close to a hundred dollars to just get his shots.

My youngest son finally called last night.  I love hearing from the boys.  I've been talking to a lot of people and it seems there are a lot of things to keep me busy during the long winter.  We'll see how that goes.

After my friends left yesterday, the house was so quiet after being a hub of activity for 4 days I got down again.  Being a vacation area, the restaurants, streets, stores, etc. are all full of families, husbands following their wives around like old dogs while she shops, etc.  The later is a perfect reason not to get married again, God, those men are pathetic. 

More and more I realize this move was a good thing.  I need to keep focused on a new beginning.  Staying in my home town would just be a big reminder of what I lost, I need to concentrate on what I've gained, which is so much more.

Lots of talented people up here too, I need to find a project to start to keep me busy during the winter.  I sound like the ants in the story "The Grasshopper and the Ants"....always thinking of preparing for winter.