Monday, January 18, 2016

Self-reliant . . . A word I can now proudly use in reference to myself.  Since living along I've become pretty handy with a chainsaw. Can shovel my 100 foot driveway, powerwash and refinish my deck, do a few minor car repairs and as of yesterday, rewire an outlet (replaced my regular switch with a dimmer switch). Small steps, but significant nonetheless.

I must admit that before I rewired the switch I put on full makeup, just in case I had to call the fire department.

Granted it would be nice to have someone else here to pat me on the back and say "well done", but that's more okay than a year ago and getting better each day.,,little by little.

Like I've said before, if I knew how long this whole recovery process would take, I would have made serious changes in my life 20 years ago.