Monday, January 26, 2015

First post in my new "no more whining" position on life.  I had a major, MAJOR setback the other week but I won't go into it as it doesn't conform to my new outlook on life and I just don't want to share.

Weather is getting cold and blustery.  Leaves off the trees and winter on the way. I am dreading the winter. Hear mixed reports of what's to come. Some say it's going to be milder than last winter (which won't be hard to do) and some say it will be worse. Now how much worse can it be after almost 50 days in a row below -10degrees!! 

My "left at 2am without a reason" guy show up again.  He's turning into a very good friend and I'm glad I gave him a second chance.  Really came through for me in a pinch. So lesson learned: don't be so quick to judge and ALWAYS give people a second chance and we all fuck up on occasion so just lighten up!

It's rutting season for the deer up here and I have found that this is kinda a universal season among all males of all species.  The dating sights are lighting up like crazy and guys are all calling wanting to do chores around my house.  I've noticed over the past few years that this all coincides with nature.  Those poor bucks don't have to do chores to get the doe's attention (just risk getting shot at).  But I love the extra help so no complaints.

It's very hard to maintain a house by yourself.  Even if you have a spouse or roommate with no handyman skills, it's nice to have another person to help walk the dog on rainy nights, scrape windshields, do simple household stuff, paint, run errands, etc. Not to mention just holding your hand when it's storming like hell outside.

I've given moving a great deal of thought lately.  I love it here, but my neighbors, though very nice, are all retired and pretty set in their retired ways.  If I go anywhere I need either a date, or drive 10-20 miles to my friends up here, which means driving back late at night alone. (not fun) The beach is fantastic, but unless I have company, I rarely go walking on it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda! It’s great that you were willing to take a second chance. As they say, nobody’s perfect – but you should give that chance to someone who you think deserves it. Also, changing your outlook in life could help you a lot in making better decisions for your future plans. I hope you’ll be able to achieve the goals for the near future, and I wish you all the best. Take care!

    Roman Barnes @ Johnson and Johnson Law Firm
