Sunday, March 24, 2019

Starting again at 70!

Saying good bye to my sweet little cottage in the woods and heading back to Chicagoland from whence I came. I have come thru the tunnel and after counceling my PTSD is under control and I'm ready to move on.

Folks told me that it takes as long to get over a relationship as the actual relationship. I really don't have 32 years to  wait so ....ENOUGH ALREADY!

Lost my dear sweet puppy (and best friend of 17 years) along the way. He collapsed on the ground as we arrived at our destination.. Vet said he was surprised he lasted as long as he did and that he was probably waiting to make sure I was safely at my new home. I miss him so so much.

Think LIVING SINGLE AT 70! is a better name for this blog. I feel better than I have in years, and even tho I am financially in trouble, feeling extremely positive for what the next decade or 2 I have left with be.


  1. Hello, My name is Linda and I grew up in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I am 66. Divorced for 19 months. I have four children and 4 grandchildren by my sons recent marriage. There are many similarities to our story. I look forward to reading your posts and hope to be encouraged as well as encourage others. God bless each of you.

  2. I have tagged along with your posts from the beginning and was glad to see a new Entry pop up in my inbox. I reread the whole blog today (yes really) and I had to laugh again when you describe mountain man. My thought was what if you had caught him, moved to the boonies with him and found out he really was a total different person. He disappeared for a reason. I think you were lucky.

    Can’t wait to hear more about Chicago. I’m really happy for you!

  3. I knew my husband from 14 years old.I'm now 61.Two years ago my husband announced I didn't know him anymore,but of course there was another woman on the scene who apparently knew him now.After 45 years I'm now on my own.Finding it hard to deal with.Depressed and lonely and having panic attacks.Hope I can get through this.

  4. Sorry to read Helen's comment above. Ghastly to find yourself alone after 45 years of marriage but there is a way through it, as I found out after 47 years married and a very similar story to yours, Linda. I started reading your blog from when you started and can't believe we are looking at our 70's!Also sorry to hear about your lovely old dog, my very old lab Ned now has arthritis and I may have to look at putting him down next winter (cold months here in New Zealand are May-September) but I will hate doing without him.Like you Linda I am contemplating moving from my property in the country to a smaller apartment. I have given up riding and now just have sheep on the property so my "country" interests seem to be shrinking and being close to a large library is looking attractive. I do love reading your blog Linda, please keep it up, greetings to everyone who follows. Cheers Marg.
