Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Holidays and a new beginning (again)

Wow! Can't believe it's been so long since I've posted.  One of my resolutions for 2017 is to try to write something (no matter how banal) at least 3 times a week.

My life has had it's ups and downs. Most having nothing to do with my divorce but just life's normal fluctuations. I do think I will probably move back to the city. I love it here in so many ways. I have great friends, a lovely little home, 2 nice jobs, and Lake Michigan out my door. In fact as I sit here even though I'm probably 300 feet from the beach, the waves are deafening. Winter is beautiful but brutal. The fact that I live 15 to 30 miles from friends has worn me down. The only thing stopping me aside from the idea of packing and moving is the fear that I will make a mistake, move back to a crowded but amazing place and be miserable and miss here. Living alone has its perks, but making all these life decisions alone isn't one of them. I miss someone having my back and me theirs.

It's Xmas day evening. I've had a lovely day, opening gifts from friends and family, giving my dog the bed Santa brought him (and the cats have quickly taken over) then dinner with friends. Now sitting watching Hallmark movies (again) with a glass of wine and a picture perfect snow outside. Am I sure I want to risk all this?

Happy Holiday to anyone reading this and a perfect 2017 to all.


  1. Dear Linda,

    This feels very out of the blue. I am a 32 year old woman from Europe, Portugal and I just found this blog and it's a blessing.

    Yesterday my world crashed. When suddenly my father announced to my poor mother that he is going to find his happiness and will never return home again.

    It has been a roller coaster of emotions. At the moment I am living with her and we are in shock, anger, empty. Cry. She just turned 67 on January 1st. And now... she is soon to be divorced, financially unstable as my father was the bread winner and she retired early. A house and a car to pay and all the bills that come along for having a picket fence pretty house.

    There's confusion. Dreams are shattered. I'm trying to be strong for her but my Lord, what a blow. And it's true. No matter how old you are, children of divorce go through hell and high water. I have never felt so much pain as I do now. I feel rejected by my own father, as he "will never return". I try not to cry in front of her, so I run to the bathroom, cry and put myself together.

    My heart os torned between feelings of hate and anger and understanding and pity.

    Searching ways to help my mother on how to deal with "D" after 60s I found this gem. Thank you for your blog. Some of your post have shed some light on some topics and made me feel we're not alone going through this.
    There are more people like us going through this horrible process.

    I wish you the best on 2017. A big hug from a around the world.
    And I'm sorry for english mistakes, as it's not my mother language.

    1. Vera- If there is a DivorceCare in your area, take your Mom there, they offer good counseling and support. Also regarding finances etc. you might want to check out SecondSaturday, it takes place every second Saturday all over the country, and offers helpful advice on how to proceed. All the emotions going on, it is hard to make sound decisions. Good luck, and best wishes for your Mom and you,
